- Startseite
- Forschung
- Experimental Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy
- Neuroradiologische Forschung
- Artificial Intelligence in Neuroradiology
- Cardiovascular Imaging
- Multiparametric Imaging and Radiomics
- Machine Learning and Data Science Group
- Experimental Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy
- Forschung mit Racoon
- Data Science
- Kinderradiologie
- Onkologische Bildgebung
- Senologie
- Klinische Studien
- Computed Tomography Research
- Muskuloskelettale Bildgebung
- Translational Imaging
Experimental Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy
Research Topics
Activities of the group are centered around development and application of new imaging methods, for preclinical or translational research, and image guided interventions. In our translational imaging laboratory, dedicated imaging systems for optical, US, SPECT, PET, US, CT, and MR Imaging are available allowing multiparametric and multimodal imaging. We also investigate new contrast agents for MPI, US, MRI, CT as well as tracers for PET and SPECT for molecular imaging applications. Main research topic for image guided interventions are new applications of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). Here, a dedicated (clinical) MR-HIFU system (Sonalleve) is available for translational research. Of special interest are applications related to oncology, immunology and bone disease.
Current Projects
- Large-volume Hyperthermia generation in abdominal organs with MR-HIFU
- Applications of MR-HIFU in bone pain palliation
- Image guided drug delivery systems
- Temperature sensitive liposomes for local drug delivery using MR-HIFU
- Molecular Imaging of tumor development and microenvironment
Volunteer studies
As part of our research projects, we are permanently looking for healthy subjects agreeing to volunteer for an examination.
Job openings
We always offer internships, MD, master and PhD projects. Due to our multidisciplinary work, all faculties and studies from natural science, biomedical engineering, medical physics and medicine are welcome. Please contact us for possibilities and opportunities.
Grant support
EU FP7-HEALTH “iPaCT” (Project-ID: 603028)
BMBF „TSL-LIFU“ (Förderkennzeichen 13XP5014C)